Difference between Justice & Law.

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‘Law’ is AN recondite political construct, couched in verbiage that appears to convey nice which means and clearly outlined rules. It is but, simply words and conventions documented and set during a framework that’s a lot of or less static. Human society is not static. It is dynamic, ever-changing. The mores of a decade past will become blasphemy in another decade.

The ecological, urgent biological needs and exigencies created by a transforming planet itself may necessitate that laws be altered with time. They are too, but much more slowly than is required. This is its greatest failing.

Also, laws have return to represent the decision-making machine of the State, instead of the desire of the general public, the group.

In AN age of property and digital presences, law and judicial proceeding must be a lot of inclusive , and can be.

However, the traditional apply of getting some old or endowed bastards advocate their own responses and norms to social group issues continues to be followed strictly. Justice is not law.

Justice is what the law was meant to deliver, to every individual person diagrammatical by the elect that legislates the law.How often does this happen though ? Statistics can be consulted, but I’d rather not. Since the statistics sometimes given to the general public don’t seem to be credible enough, coming back from agencies that are magnificently dishonest before.

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There are vested interests and compromised officials that work in governments and legislative machinery only for self aggrandizement; some bring a demented, ill-formed perception of the society they must serve, to their office. Governance – all governments are riddled with such elements. Each has parallel industries of legislation, known as lobbies and pressure teams. There is AN evil that I actually have seen beneath the sun, as a mistake that proceedeth from the ruler . That folly is ready in nice dignity, and also the wise sit in low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.

– Ecclesiastes (Bible)

And the law has currently return to outline Justice, in clearly documented values and quantities, procedures and responses by authorities.

The individual is rarely consulted or maybe detected by the lawmaker, the adjudicator, the executive. Hence, what the individual desires, what to him/her is Justice, is immaterial to the machine that makes the law, that defines its purview and application. The law these days defines what justice are going to be granted to the individual.True justice is not this. It cannot be this. There is a sense of rightness and wrongness inherent in mankind, what many call a moral compass. The established procedures by litigation and related machinery seek to trivialize it and replace it with a convenient document to be consulted each time a similar societal anomaly threatens the order. This is not justice, but an ersatz rendition of it.Justice are some things relative and distinctive to each individual’s circumstances.Whether he/she is secure a general level of concern by his/her state or not, the law exists more to safeguard the State than the subject.This is true for every State and every type of Government. Justice is perceived as a linguistics term that’s ambiguous within the eyes of the law ( that is definite) till the manager involves apply it, extracting the best possible outcome for any one party. More often than not, it is executed in favour of the State, though in a roundabout way.

The Platonic definitions of Justice are lost to considerations of convenience for public servants who’d rather have a ‘manual of justice’ than work their brains to actual the simplest possible outcome for the wronged individual and work to scrub and direct society toward a lot of noble character.


  1. Laws are enacted and implemented by the Government
  2. Can be implemented even by force when necessary
  3. Violation of Law is punishable
  4. Law controls the external behaviour of citizens
  5. Law is specific
  6. There are institutions that implement
    the Law that is subjected to interpretation
  7. Law is implemented uniformly throughout human society
  8. The span of Law is narrow
  9. Laws can be framed as an approach to the problems when they occur


.It is related to conscience and wisdom
• Based on customs and manners, social experiences and religious influences
• When justice is violated such a person is subjected to social punishments such as isolation in society.
• Related to human feelings
• Justice is not something implemented by the state
• Justice is sometimes found vague and not specific
• Justice is built on individual and social diversity
• Justice is found to expand in a broad manner
• Based on human feelings, a social approach is created

In ancient society there was no wide distinction between justice and law.

It was as a result of in those societies legal acts too were considered justice

Md Sahabuddin Mondal

Junior Advocate, Calcutta High Court

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