What are the differences between Petitions, Plaint & Written Statement?

In our legal system, as practiced in countries that follow the English models, only a few people know the application of different petitions, plaint, and suits in law.

First of all we discuss the basic concept of the Petition, Plaint and Written Statement. Then we focus on the differences among them.

Definition of the Petition, Plaint and Written Statement are follows:-


A petition is an authoritative report officially mentioning a formal court request. Petitions, along with complaints, are viewed as pleadings at the beginning of a claim. A petition is fundamentally solicitation to the court.


A plaint is eluded to as the pleadings put together by the offended party under the watchful eye of the court in a suit. The pleadings have the realities of the case & of the reason for an activity to which alleviation is looked for on account of a suit to which he believes he is entitled. A plaint is an authoritative archive that is introduced under the watchful eye of the common courts so as to get the show cause before the court of competent jurisdiction.


The suit implies a claim wherein the affected party records a suit so as to look for equity in regard to any thoughtful right or guarantee to which he is entitled. The individual who documented the suit is alluded to as the offended party and the people against whom the equivalent has been recorded are known as respondents or litigants. A suit is a case that is recorded under the watchful eye of a common court so as to manage common matters just or matters that are thoughtful in nature.

Here are the basic differences of Petition, Plaint and Written Statement.

Major differences of Petition, Plaint and Suit are:-

  1. A petition is a formal solicitation looking for a particular court request, made by an individual, gathering or association to the court, regularly toward the beginning of a claim.
  1. An offended party records a request or grievances with the court in arranging one of a common claim, indicating what the claim is about.
  1. A petition is made to the court by a solicitor against a respondent, versus a complaint, which is documented by an offended party against a litigant.
  2. A petition requests that the court give a court request, while an objection is recorded to look for harms or to get the respondent to begin or quit accomplishing something.
  1. Petitions are regularly used in an appeal- a petition to offer states why the lawful issues encompassing a case ought to be evaluated by another court.
  1. A petition is a cure that is filed before the Courts for example High Court and Supreme Court, so as to authorize the central privileges of a person. A plaint is an authoritative archive that is exhibited under the watchful eye of the common courts so as to get the show cause under the watchful eye of the court of competent jurisdiction.

Md Sahabuddin Mondal

Junior Advocate, Calcutta High Court

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